District One



District Two



District Three


J. STEVEN WORTHLEY – Vice Chairman

District Four



District Five



Board of Supervisors








County Administrator



County Counsel


Interim Chief Clerk



2800 W. Burrel Avenue

Visalia, CA  93291

(559) 636-5000

FAX (559) 733-6898



September 26, 2017


9:00 A.M. Board Convenes


Board of Supervisors Chambers

2800 W. Burrel Avenue

Visalia, CA 93291



Moment of Silence





At this time, members of the public may comment on any item not appearing on the agenda.  Under state law, matters presented under this item cannot be discussed or acted upon by the Board at this time.  For items appearing on the agenda, the public is invited to make comments at the time the item comes up for Board consideration.  Any person addressing the Board will be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes so that all interested parties have an opportunity to speak with a total of fifteen (15) minutes allotted for the Public Comment Period.  At all times, please use the microphone and state your name and address for the record.

(Public Comment Period)


1.               Board of Supervisors matters.

2.               Present Proclamation recognizing September 25-30, 2017 as Adult Education and Family Literacy week in Tulare County.

3.               Public Comments.

(Consent Calendar)

CONSENT CALENDAR (Numbers 4 through 26)




Background information has been provided to the Board on all matters listed under the Consent Agenda, and these items are considered to be routine by the Board.  All items under the Consent Agenda are normally approved by one motion.  If discussion is requested by any Board member or member of the public on any item, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda.


Board of Supervisors

4.               Appoint Leonor Serna, At Large Member to the Tulare County Library Advisory Board for a term ending December 31, 2020.

5.               Appoint Doug Woods, American Provider Agency - American Ambulance of Visalia #4 to the Emergency Medical Care Committee for a term ending the pleasure of the board.

6.               Appoint Rod Burkett, White Area Representative to the East Kaweah Groundwater Sustainability Agency for a term ending at the pleasure of the board.

7.               Approve the Proclamation recognizing the month of September 2017 as Rail Safety Month in Tulare County

8.               Ratify the following proclamations: Honoring National Latino Peace Officers Association Day/Vincent Calderon Day in Tulare County and recognizing September 17-23, 2017 as Constitution week in Tulare County.

County Administrative Office/General Services

9.               Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 27551 with Conway Consulting Group for special consulting services for intergovernmental projects and programs in an amount not to exceed $24,000, for the period of October 1, 2017 through March 31, 2018.

10.           Award the contract for chemical water treatment to Ramco, Inc., dba Pacific Water Technologies in an amount not to exceed $191,832 per year. The contract will be prorated for 9 months in an amount not to exceed $143,874, effective October 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018, subject to review and approval as to form by County Counsel.

11.           Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 27894 with Forcum Mackey, Inc. to increase the agreement amount by $11,347.95, from $4,027,038.56 to $4,038,386.51 for Phase I of the Countywide Space Improvement & Relocation Project, subject to review and approval as to form by County Counsel. Direct the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to record the Notice of Completion for Human Resources and Development Bid Package A with the Tulare County Clerk Recorder.

12.           Approve a budget adjustment transfer from Miscellaneous Administration to Miscellaneous Criminal Justice to cover costs for printing charges for the Grand Jury in an amount not to exceed $15,000 (4/5ths vote required).

District Attorney

13.           Approve an agreement to accept grant funding from the State of California – Office of Traffic Safety for the Alcohol and Drug Impaired Driver Vertical Prosecution Program in an amount not to exceed $153,620, for the program period of October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018.

14.           Approve an agreement with Legal Notification Services, Inc. to purchase the ISubpoena system, retroactive from April 1, 2017 through March 30, 2020. Find that the Board had the authority to enter into the proposed agreement as of April 1, 2017, and that it was in the County’s best interest to enter into the agreement on that date.

Health & Human Services Agency

15.           Approve the Tulare County Child Abuse Prevention Council’s request for their annual funding from the County’s Children’s Trust Fund for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 in an amount not to exceed $70,000.

16.           Approve an agreement with Community Services and Employment Training, Inc. for the provision of comprehensive job services to TulareWORKs clients in an amount not to exceed $1,260,000, effective October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018.

17.           Approve an agreement with Family HealthCare Network for the Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention program to promote increased fruit and vegetable consumption and physical activity among Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program eligible population in an amount not to exceed $137,815, effective October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2019.

18.           Approve an agreement with Kaweah Delta Hospital Foundation for the Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention program to promote increased fruit and vegetable consumption and physical activity among Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program eligible population in an amount not to exceed $131,340, effective October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2019.

19.           Approve an agreement with Miriam Lachica to provide Public Health Laboratory Director Services in an amount not to exceed $50,000 over the three (3) year period, retroactive from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2020. Find that the Board had the authority to enter into the proposed agreement as of July 1, 2017, and that it was in the County's best interest to enter into the agreement on that date.

20.           Approve an agreement with Petrosius Construction, Inc. to provide hazardous waste support services, retroactive from May 15, 2017 through June 30, 2018. Find that the Board had the authority to enter into the proposed agreement as of May 15, 2017, and that it was in the County’s best interest to enter into the agreement on that date.

21.           Approve an agreement with the Workforce Investment Board of Tulare County for the Welfare-to-Work Expanded Subsidized Employment program for the provision of expanded work opportunities to CalWORKs recipients in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000, effective October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018. Approve the necessary budget adjustments (4/5ths vote required).

Resource Management Agency

22.           Authorize the filing of a Notice of Partial Non-Renewal for the following Land Conservation Contract, as provided in the Williamson Act. The request is applicant initiated to complete the requirement of Cancellation of Williamson Act Contract WAC16-005: WAN 17-018 – Williamson Act Contract No. 8104, Ag Preserve No. 2710, located on the west side for the Friant-Kern Canal and approximately 330 feet south of Avenue 178, northwest of Porterville (APN 243-101-006), (O’Sullivan Family Trust) (17.80 acres to be non-renewed as an initial requirement to WAC 16-005).

23.           Ratify and approve an agreement with the United States Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration in an amount not to exceed $359,766 for construction of Navigation Aids at Sequoia Field Airport, including AWOS, PAPI, and REIL. Find that the Board had the authority to enter into the agreement as of September 13, 2017, and that it was in the County’s best interest to enter into the agreement on that date.


24.           Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 28136 with Huntington Court Reporters & Transcription, Inc. to extend the term of the agreement to December 30, 2017 and increase the dollar amount of the agreement to $131,000 to provide transcription services.

25.           Approve an agreement with AXON Enterprises, Inc. to purchase additional body worn cameras with associated software and storage in an amount not to exceed $278,405.82, for the period of September 26, 2017 through January 31, 2021.

26.           Approve an agreement with the United States Army Corps of Engineers for law enforcement services at Success Lake and Lake Kaweah Recreation Areas in an amount not to exceed $800,000, retroactive from April 7, 2017 through April 6, 2022. Find that the Board had the authority to enter into the proposed agreement as of April 7, 2017, and that it was in the County’s best interest to enter into the agreement on that date.

 (Items Not Timed)


Items not specifically timed may be taken in any order

27.           Request from the District Attorney to approve the attached personnel resolution adding one Victim Witness Worker I/II position allocation to the District Attorney's Office for the Unserved/Underserved Outreach and Advocacy Program effective October 1, 2017. If grant funding is not sufficient to fully fund this additional position in future Fiscal Years, such position shall be deleted so as not to incur any Net County Cost, unless there are extenuating circumstances justifying retention of the affected positions and such position shall be approved by the Board of Supervisors.

28.           Request from Human Resources and Development Department to approve a side letter agreement with the Service Employees International Union, Local 521 regarding the establishment of lead duties and an additional pay of 3% for selected Child Support Specialist III positions.

29.           Request from the Board of Supervisors staff to approve the Joint Powers Agreement between Tulare County, Sultana Community Services District, and East Orosi Community Services District forming the North Tulare County Regional Water Alliance. Appoint a member of the Board of Supervisors to serve as the County’s representative on the Alliance Board. Appoint a member of the Board of Supervisors to serve as the County’s Alternate Representative on the Alliance Board.

30.           Request from the Resource Management Agency to designate a member of the Tulare County Board of Supervisors to serve on the Economic Development Corporation (EDC) Board of Directors with the term expiring on June 30, 2018.

31.           Request from the Resource Management Agency to hold an Administrative Appeal Hearing and affirm the decision of the Administrative Hearing Officer for Violation No. GC1700112 and deny the appeal filed by William and Cathy Fancher regarding violations of the California Health and Safety Code located at 19301 Campbell Creek Drive, Springville, California (APN 284-360-047).

 (Closed Session)







As provided in the Ralph M. Brown Act, Government Code sections 54950 et seq., the Board of Supervisors may meet in closed session with members of its staff, county employees and its attorneys. These sessions are not open to the public and may not be attended by members of the public.  The matters the Board will meet on in closed session are identified below or are those matters appropriately identified in open session as requiring immediate attention and arising after the posting of the agenda.  Any public reports of action taken in closed session will be made in accordance with Government Code section 54957.1.


It is the intention of the Board to meet in closed session concerning:

Sitting as the Tulare County Board of Supervisors



Significant Exposure to Litigation [Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2)]

Number of Potential Cases: 1

Board of Supervisors Agenda Items today pertaining to the Fancher – Appeal Hearing



Significant Exposure to Litigation [Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2)]

Number of Potential Cases: 1



Significant Exposure to Litigation [Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2)]

Number of Potential Cases: 1

Dispute with Papich Construction, Inc. over paving of Road 148 and of Avenue 432



[Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1)]

Name of Case:  County of Tulare v. Accredited Surety and Casualty Company, Inc., Fifth Appellate District Court of Appeal Case No. F072615



[Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1)]

Name of Case:  Tulare Pediatric Health Care Center v. California Department of Health Care Services, Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, 

Case No. BS166705



(Government Code Section 54957.6)

Agency Designated Representatives: Rhonda Sjostrom, Michael C. Spata

Employee Organization:  All Certified Employee Organizations        

Unrepresented Employees:  All Unrepresented Employees.