District One


PETE VANDER POEL – Vice Chairman

District Two



District Three



District Four



District Five


County Seal b&w


Board of Supervisors





County Administrative Officer



County Counsel


Chief Clerk




2800 W. Burrel Avenue

Visalia, CA  93291

(559) 636-5000

FAX (559) 733-6898


October 22, 2019


9:00 A.M. Board Convenes


Board of Supervisors Chambers

2800 W. Burrel Avenue

Visalia, CA 93291



Moment of Silence





In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors as soon as possible during office hours at (559) 636-5000 or at Reasonable requests made at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting will help to ensure accessibility to this meeting.

PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: Members of the public may comment on any item not appearing on the agenda.  Under state law, matters presented under this item cannot be discussed or acted upon by the Board at this time.  For items appearing on the agenda, the public is invited to make comments at the time the item comes up for Board consideration.  Please complete and submit a comment card indicating your interest in that particular agenda item. Any person addressing the Board will be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes so that all interested parties have an opportunity to speak, with a total of fifteen (15) minutes allotted for the Public Comment Period.  At all times, please use the microphone and state your name and address for the record.


Documents related to the items on this Agenda are available for public inspection in the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors Office, 2800 W. Burrel Avenue, Visalia, CA during normal business hours, 7:30 a.m – 5:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 8:00 a.m -12:00 p.m. on Friday.  Such documents are also available online, subject to staff's ability to post the documents before the meeting, at the following website:


1.             Board of Supervisors matters.

2.             Present a Proclamation recognizing October as Cyber Security Awareness Month in Tulare County.

3.             Public Comments.

(Consent Calendar)

CONSENT CALENDAR (Numbers 4 through 26)




These items are routine and usually approved by one motion. Before action by the Board, the Chairman will ask the Board Members and the public if they wish to remove any item from the Consent Calendar for separate consideration. Items removed from the Consent Calendar may be heard immediately before or after the approval of the Consent Calendar, or may be set aside until later in the morning.


Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer

4.            Approve an agreement with the California Department of Food and Agriculture to provide funding of $18,806 to offset the costs of providing Light Brown Apple Moth pest detection services, retroactive from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.

5.            Approve an agreement with the California Department of Food and Agriculture to provide funding of $1,125 to offset the costs of providing soil and commodities treatment supervision and/or nematode sampling for the California Department of Food and Agriculture retroactive from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.

Board of Supervisors

6.            Reappoint Linda Gutierrez to the Member At-Large Seat on the Delta Vector Control District for a term ending December 31, 2021.

7.            Appoint Supervisor Kuyler Crocker to the Board of Supervisors Seat on the Tulare County Veteran Advisory Committee for a term ending at the Pleasure of the Board.

County Administrative Office

8.            Ratify actions by the County Administrative Officer during the month of September 2019. Approve an Ordered Duty Day stipend raise for Battalion Chiefs to $900 per 24-hour shift with a 6-12 hour shift at $450 pursuant to Administrative Regulation 33. Find that the activities funded pursuant to the good works funding agreements are necessary to meet social needs of the residents of Tulare County.

General Services Agency

9.            Declare the real property located at 16756 Avenue 168 in Woodville to be surplus to the Countys needs. Adopt a resolution by a 4/5th vote declaring the intent to sell the real property described as 16756 Avenue 168, Woodville further identified as Assessors Parcel No. 233-014-018. Authorize the receipt of sealed bids for the purchase of said real property for a cash price of no less than $95,000 by the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors until 5:00 pm on December 16, 2019. Approve December 17, 2019 at 9:00 a.m. as the date and time at which sealed proposals to purchase the subject real property will be opened and considered by the Board. Authorize the General Services Director, or designee, to publish the Notice of Intent to Sell once a week for three consecutive weeks. Authorize the County Administrative Officer, or designee, to send the General Plan Referral Letter to the County of Tulare Resource Management Agency regarding the proposed sale of the subject property. Authorize the County Administrative Officer, or designee, to send the "Notice of Sale" to local and state governmental entities, regarding the proposed sale of the subject property.

10.         Approve an agreement with the Tulare County Deputy Sheriffs Benevolent Association for use of space located at 20000 Road 140, Tulare in an amount of $12,000, with three (3) optional one-year extensions under the same terms, conditions, and payment, retroactive from July 1, 2019 through July 1, 2020.

11.         Approve an adjustment to the Museum budget for Fiscal Year 2019/20 in an amount not to exceed $82,000 to hire extra help employees for collection development and Museum upkeep, match restoration project funds raised by the Historical Society, and to promote and host Museum activities and events. Approve the necessary budget adjustments (4/5ths vote required).

Health & Human Services Agency

12.         Approve a Memorandum of Understanding with Blue Cross of California Partnership Plan, Inc. effective October 22, 2019 for the provision of on- site kiosk access to Tulare County residents. There are no costs associated with this agreement.

13.         Reaffirm the Proclamation of a Local Emergency due to tree mortality in Tulare County Resolution No. 2015-0850.

14.         Approve a grant agreement with the California Department of Public Health Office of AIDS to receive funding for HIV surveillance activities in an amount not to exceed $150,405, retroactive from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2024.  Authorize the Health and Human Services Agency Director or designee to sign future funding opportunities that augment the initial grant amount.

15.         Approve an agreement with First 5 Tulare County for administration of the Home Visiting Parents as Teachers Program in an amount not to exceed $915,000,  retroactive from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.

Human Resources & Development

16.         Approve a Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Tulare and the Tulare County Deputy Sheriffs Association, Bargaining Units 13 and 15, from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2021.

Information & Communications Technology

17.         Approve an increase to Capital Asset Request Number F00120 for the Fiscal Year 2019/20 Storage Network Upgrade, in an amount not to exceed $272,000, for a total purchase price of $552,000. Approve the necessary budget adjustments (4/5ths vote required).

18.         Approve additional authority to continue services with Amazon Web Services (AWS) approved under resolution 2019-0453 for the data backup and hosting of monthly backups in the cloud, in an amount not to exceed $11,384 for service through July 30, 2020.


19.         Approve an agreement with Central Valley Recovery Services to provide offenders recently realigned under Assembly Bill (AB) 109 with residential treatment, training services, and outpatient services in an amount not to exceed $350,000, retroactive from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.

20.         Approve an agreement with BI, Incorporated for electronic monitoring services for adult probationers in an amount not to exceed $350,000, retroactive from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.

Registrar of Voters

21.         Waive the second reading and adopt the Ordinance amending Part 1 of the Tulare County Ordinance Code, adding chapter 33 pertaining to requiring electronic campaign finance disclosure for Tulare County Registrar of Voters (Ordinance), to take effect immediately upon approval, pursuant to Government Code Section 25123. Direct the Clerk to publish a summary of the Ordinance and post a full copy of the Ordinance after adoption as required by law.

Resource Management Agency

22.         Approve and award the Base Bid contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, A Teichert & Son, Inc. dba Teichert Construction of Roseville, California for construction of 2019 Road Repair and Accountability Act (RRAA) Project 2 in an amount not to exceed  $5,925,231.40. Approve and award Additive Alternate 1 to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, A Teichert & Son, Inc. dba Teichert Construction of Roseville, California for construction of 2019 Road Repair and Accountability Act (RRAA) Project 2 in an amount not to exceed $511,795. Authorize the Chairman to sign the contract after review and approval as to form by County Counsel and upon receipt of certificates of insurance, bonds and evidence that the contractor possesses a valid State Contractors License. Allow funds for contingencies to cover unexpected construction conditions in an amount not to exceed $334,351. Authorize the Director of the Resource Management Agency or their designee to approve contract change orders up to the amount of allowed funds for contingencies.

23.         Adopt the Categorical Exemption prepared pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State CEQA Guidelines per Section 15333 Small Habitat Restoration Projects, for the Bear Creek Road (M220) over Rancheria Creek Bridge Revegetation Project (near Springville). Authorize the Environmental Assessment Officer, or designee, to sign and file the Notice of Exemption with the County Clerk-Recorder.

24.         Approve the Final Map for Tract No. TSM 17-001, located on the west side of Road 132, approximately 250 feet south of Avenue 232, east of the City of Tulare. Accept the dedication of right of way as shown on the Final Map.

25.         Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 28592 with VSCE, Inc. for Construction Management Services for the TOMF Project to extend the date of termination of the agreement through June 30, 2020.


26.         Approve an agreement with Champions Recovery Alternative Programs Inc., for providing counseling services in an amount not to exceed $204,916, retroactive from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020.

 (Items Not Timed)


Items not specifically timed may be taken in any order

27.         Receive a presentation from the Resource Management Agency on the Sequoia Field Airport Layout Plan and an update on developments at Sequoia Field. Approve the current draft of the Sequoia Field Airport Layout Plan.

28.         Request from the General Services Agency to direct staff to apply for grant funding from the California Department of Parks and Recreation through the Per Capita Program to renovate County Parks. Delegate authority to the General Services Agency Director, or designee to conduct all negotiations, sign and submit all documents, including, but not limited to applications, agreements, amendments, and payment requests, which may be necessary for the completion of the grant scope. Approve the Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of Tulare County Approving Application(s) for Per Capita Grant Funds.


29.         Board members may make a referral to staff to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda (Gov. Code, sec. 54954.2, subd. (a)(3)).

 (Closed Session)







As provided in the Ralph M. Brown Act, Government Code sections 54950 et seq., the Board of Supervisors may meet in closed session with members of its staff, county employees and its attorneys. These sessions are not open to the public and may not be attended by members of the public.  The matters the Board will meet on in closed session are identified below or are those matters appropriately identified in open session as requiring immediate attention and arising after the posting of the agenda.  Any public reports of action taken in closed session will be made in accordance with Government Code section 54957.1.


It is the intention of the Board to meet in closed session concerning:

Sitting as the Tulare County Board of Supervisors



(Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1))

Name of Case:  Robbie Hernandez v. County of Tulare

Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board No.: ADJ9938828



(Government Code Section 54956.8)

Property Description:  3247 W. Mineral King Avenue, Visalia CA 93291

Agency Negotiators:  John Hess, Brooke Sisk, Laura Silva

Negotiating Party or Parties: Paynter Realty & Investments, Inc. & Sunny Basra

Under Negotiation:  Price and Terms of Payment



(Government Code Section 54957.6

Agency Designated Representatives: Rhonda Sjostrom, Jason T. Britt

Employee Organizations:  All Certified Employee Organizations      

Unrepresented Employees:  All Unrepresented Employees.