June 6, 2006


9:00 A.M. Board Convenes




Moment of Silence






At this time, members of the public may comment on any item not appearing on the agenda.  Under state law, matters presented under this item cannot be discussed or acted upon by the Board at this time.  For items appearing on the agenda, the public is invited to make comments at the time the item comes up for Board consideration.  Any person addressing the Board will be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes so that all interested parties have an opportunity to speak.  At all times, please use the microphone and state your name and address for the record.


(Public Comment Period)




(Timed Items)

1.                  PUBLIC HEARING: Request from Resource Management Agency to approve the proposed fee adjustments to the Planning & Development Fee Schedule pertaining to Project Review, Employee Housing, and Long Range Planning.  Direct that said fee adjustments take effect August 5, 2006 and be incorporated into the revenue estimates for the proposed Fiscal Year 2006/2007 Budget.

(Consent Calendar)

CONSENT CALENDAR (Number 2 through 20)




Background information has been provided to the board on all matters listed under the Consent Agenda, and these items are considered to be routine by the Board.  All items under the Consent Agenda are normally approved by one motion.  If discussion is requested by any Board members on any item, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda if separate action is required.




Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer

2.                  Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 22387 with Judy Stewart-Leslie to extend the term of the agreement from July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007 for continuing to provide services as Field Coordinator for the County's Glassy-winged Sharpshooter Area Wide Management Program.

3.                  Approve an agreement with the California Department of Food and Agriculture to receive State subvention funds in the amount of $30,000 for the survey and detection of Red Imported Fire Ants, effective July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007.

Board of Supervisors

4.                  Proclamation recognizing the Visalia Sunset Rotary Club for its improvements to Mooney Grove Park.

5.                  Reappoint the following to the Community Health Center Board for terms ending April 18, 2010:

1.                  Annette Hale, Health Seat

2.                  Claudia Cerda, Mental Health seat

3.                  Erma Montion, District 5 - Consumer seat


6.                  Appoint Craig Knudson to fill the Farm Bureau seat on the Agricultural Advisory Committee for a term ending June 30, 2008.


County Administrative Office

7.                  Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 21234 with First 5 Tulare County to extend the term of the agreement for one year through June 30, 2007 for the Tulare County Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector to provide a variety of support services to First 5.

8.                  Accept the Biosafety Level 3 Remodel Project at the Hillman Health Center as completed on May 12, 2006.  Authorize the Chairman to sign the Notice of Completion.  Direct the Clerk of the Board to record the Notice of Completion with the Clerk-Recorder's office.

Health & Human Services Agency

9.                  Reaffirm Declaration of State of Emergency in the Tulare County New Year's Storm 2006.

10.             Reaffirm Declaration of State of Emergency in the Tulare County Winter Storm 2006.

11.             Appoint Rosemary Caso, Discretionary Seat to the Tulare County Child Care Development and Planning Council for term ending June 30, 2008.  Reappoint the following individuals to the Tulare County Child Care Development and Planning Council for terms ending June 30, 2008:

1.                  Rose Crow, Discretionary seat

2.                  Edwyn Ortiz-Nance, Community seat

3.                  Mary Thomas, Public Agency seat

4.                  Stan Stine, Public Agency seat

5.                  Nancy Driver, Child Care Provider seat


7.                  Direct the Clerk to the Board to recruit for listed vacancies per the provisions of the Maddy Act.

12.             Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 21165 with Golden State Health Center, Inc. d.b.a. Sylmar Health and Rehabilitation Center to amend the standard IMD Program rate from $112.92 to $119.89 and the Bed Hold rate from $5.05 to $5.18 in coordination with the rates established by the Department of Mental Health for providing stabilization and long-term maintenance for mentally disabled clients of Tulare County a locked skilled nursing facility.

13.             Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 21629 with ASC Treatment Group d.b.a. The Anne Sippi Clinic to extend the term of the agreement to June 30, 2007 for providing basic living and care services to the mentally disabled residents of Tulare County.

14.             Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 22004 with the Tulare County Superintendent of Schools for the Friday Night Live Program and the Safe and Drug Free Schools Grant Program for Fiscal Year 2005/2006 to increase the funding by $81,065 for a total of $234,073.  Approve the necessary budget adjustments. (4/5ths vote)




15.             Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 22045 with the Department of Health Services, Office of Family Planning, for the TeenSMART Program to increase the funding by $200,000 for a total of $500,000, retroactive to January 1, 2004 through June 30, 2008 for the purpose of reducing both teen pregnancies and unintended pregnancies by promoting responsible parenting, promoting and supporting youth development activities and linking teens to clinic services for their reproductive health needs.

16.             Authorize the submittal of a regional application on behalf of Tulare County and the participating cities to the California Integrated Waste Management Board for the Household Hazardous Waste Grant (15th Cycle) for Fiscal Year 2006/2007 in the amount of $267,710 to provide funding for programs to collect and recycle hazardous waste from households and small businesses.

Resource Management Agency

17.             Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 16693 between the County of Tulare for the Department of Child Support Services and Guillon Incorporated to allow for a one-time pre-payment of rent and janitorial services in the amount of $540,182.36 prior to this Fiscal Year's end on their office lease located at 8040 Doe Avenue in Visalia.

18.             Approve an agreement with the State of California, Department of Transportation, in the amount of $411,000 for the construction of a traffic signal at the intersection of State Route 198 and State Route 65/Road 196.  Authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement, subject to County Counsel review and approval as to form.

19.             Find that the provisions of the adopted Project Area Committee Guidelines and Health and Safety Code Section 33385 were fulfilled in the election of the Tipton Project Area Committee members who shall serve for a period not to exceed three (3) years from the date of the adoption of the Final Redevelopment Plan.  Request that the Tipton Kiwanis, Tipton Elementary School Board, and the Tipton Community Services District each appoint one member for a total of three to serve as a representative of a Community Organization.

Workforce Investment Board

20.             Reappoint the following to the Tulare County Workforce Investment Board, Inc. Board of Directors for terms ending May 31, 2008:

(Items Not Timed)

Gil Aguilar, District 3 Business


Joe Hallmeyer, District 4 Business

Robert Alcazar, Public Sector


Jean Haskell, Member-At-Large

Peter Alvitre, Member-At-Large


Carolyn Kehrli, Education

Sandra Bullard, District 1 Business


George Maness, Other/Veterans

John Davis, Public Sector


Carolyn Rose, Community Based Organization

William De Lain, District 2 Business


Paul Saldana, Economic Development

David Villarino, Labor










Items not specifically timed may be taken in any order


21.             Bi-weekly Update of Progress of Emergency Repairs to Visalia Courthouse Cooling and Heating Water Distribution System.

22.             Presentation given by First 5 Tulare County regarding an update on the Children's Health Initiative and the Healthy Kids Insurance Program.

23.             Request from Health and Human Services Agency to approve the deletion of two dentist positions (#0719 and #4834) and four dental assistant positions (#0972, #0973, #0975, and #4833), and one RN position (#8057) in the telemedicine project for a total savings of $464,317, effective July 8, 2006.  Authorize Health and Human Services Agency to reconfigure dental services to meet mandates for services to Tulare County Medical Services patients and inmates.

24.             Request from Health and Human Services Agency to waive the competitive bidding requirements for the SWIPERS (Secure Wireless Inventory and Pharmaceutical Emergency Response System) system that will automate and expedite data collection and medication distribution functions of clinic operations that will be needed in the event of a mass casualty operation.  Authorize the County Purchasing Agent to purchase the item in the amount of $102,000 as a sole source procurement.  Approve the necessary budget adjustments.  (4/5ths vote)

25.             Request from Resource Management Agency to approve a Cooperative Agreement with the State of California, Department of Transportation, for the relinquishment of a portion of realigned Avenue 296 (Yokohl Drive) at State Route 198, subject to the review and approval by County Counsel as to form.  Said approval is subject to the California Transportation Commission approving the payment of $15,000 to the County of Tulare for the completion of drainage and road improvements.  If the California Transportation Commission does not approve the payment of $15,000, the Cooperative Agreement is null and void.

26.             Request from Resource Management Agency to authorize the applicant PZI 05-006 (Galaviz) to apply for a change of zone from the AE-20 Zone (Exclusive Agriculture - 20 Acre Minimum) to the C-3 Zone (Service Commercial) on 1.38 acres of land (Assessor Parcel Number 021-170-034) located on the north side of Avenue 416, east of Road 100, west of Sultana to operate a custom auto body and paint shop.

27.             Request from Resource Management Agency to approve the expansion of Tulare County Targeted Tax Area by approving the addition of specific parcels in the unincorporated County Area adjacent to the City of Exeter and in the unincorporated community of Traver.  Find that the areas included have definitive boundaries and are contiguous to the existing Targeted Tax Area.  Find that the City of Exeter has passed a resolution approving the connection of unincorporated County property to the Targeted Tax Area's Exeter Sub-Area.  Find that all land in the expansion area is zoned for industrial or commercial use.  Find that basic infrastructure is available to the areas included in the expansion.  Agree to complete all actions which apply to the County's jurisdiction, should the expansion of the Targeted Tax Area be approved.  Approve the addendum Environmental Impact Reports as complete and authorize the Chairman to sign the Notice of Determination.

28.             Request from the County Administrative Office to consider, modify as needed, and approve the response to the 2005/2006 Grand Jury's Report regarding the Flood Potential on the St. Johns River Levee Districts 1 and 2.

29.             Request from County Administrative Office to review the Federal Legislative Services Request for Proposal Finalists and select the successful firm.  Authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement pending review and approval by County Counsel.

30.             INFORMATION ONLY:  Bid opening results for the Tulare Government Plaza North Parking Lot project.

Lee's Paving Inc.                            $693,476.00

Central Valley Asphalt                    $720,854.00


Engineer's Estimate                       $568,600.00


31.             Public Comments.

32.             Board of Supervisors matters.

(Closed Session)




As provided in the Ralph M. Brown Act, Government Code sections 54950 et seq., the Board of Supervisors may meet in closed session with members of its staff, county employees and its attorneys. These sessions are not open to the public and may not be attended by members of the public.  The matters the Board will meet on in closed session are identified below or are those matters appropriately identified in open session as requiring immediate attention and arising after the posting of the agenda.  Any public reports of action taken in the closed session will be made in accordance with Government Code sections 54957.1






It is the intention of the Board to meet in closed session concerning:


Sitting as the Tulare County Board of Supervisors





Conference with Legal Counsel [Government Code Section 54956.9(a)]

Name of Case:  John Stephens v. County of Tulare

Next Item(s) Sitting as...




Conference with Legal Counsel [Government Code Section 54956.9(a)]

Name of Case:  James Taylor v. County of Tulare

Next Item(s) Sitting as...




Significant Exposure to Litigation [Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1)]

Number of Potential Cases:  1

Nortice of intent to file Suit Letter dated May 26, 2006 from Attorney Richard Harriman on behalf of the Kings River Conservation Committee and Valley Advocates, Inc. regarding the Special Use Permit No. 86-71 (Riverland Resort)

Next Item(s) Sitting as...




Significant Exposure to Litigation [Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1)]

Number of Potential Cases:  1

Next Item(s) Sitting as...




(Government Code Section 54957)

Next Item(s) Sitting as...




(Government Code Section 54957.6)

Agency Designated Representative:  Tim Huntley and Brian Haddix

Employee Organization:  All Certified Employee Organizations

Unrepresented Employees:  All Unrepresented Employees except Elected Officials

Next Item(s) Sitting as...

Sitting as the Tulare County IHSS Public Authority Board




(Government Code Section 54957.6)

Agency Designated Representative:  Tim Huntley, Jack Hughes, Brian Haddix

Employee Organization:  All Certified Employee Organizations

Unrepresented Employees:  All Unrepresented Employees

Next Item(s) Sitting as...