District One



District Two



District Three


J. STEVEN WORTHLEY  Chairman - District Four



District Five



Board of Supervisors








County Administrator



County Counsel


Chief Clerk



2800 W. Burrel Avenue

Visalia, CA  93291

(559) 636-5000

FAX (559) 733-6898





June 29, 2010


9:00 A.M. Board Convenes



Moment of Silence





At this time, members of the public may comment on any item not appearing on the agenda.  Under state law, matters presented under this item cannot be discussed or acted upon by the Board at this time.  For items appearing on the agenda, the public is invited to make comments at the time the item comes up for Board consideration.  Any person addressing the Board will be limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes so that all interested parties have an opportunity to speak with a total of fifteen (15) minutes allotted for the Public Comment Period.  At all times, please use the microphone and state your name and address for the record.

(Public Comment Period)


1.                  Presentation given by the Visalia Unified School District on the new Visalia Technical Education Center.

2.                  Presentation given by PFM Asset Management, LLC regarding the Annual Millennium Fund Report.

3.                  Public Comments.

4.                  Board of Supervisors matters.




(Timed Items)

5.                  PUBLIC HEARING:   Request from the Resource Management Agency to uphold the appeal filed by The Law Offices of Joseph H. Boyd, on behalf of the Applicant, Ronald Redfield denying Planning Commission Resolution No. 8495, Tentative Tract Map No. TM 805, a subdivision to divide 109 acres into 48 residential lots, on property located on the west side of Road 220, approximately ¼ mile north of Avenue 360, north of Woodlake.  Accept the Mitigated Negative Declaration and adopt the Mitigation Monitoring Plan for Tentative Tract Map No. TM 805.  Approve Tentative Tract Map No. TM 805 based on the findings and conditions of approval as stated in the Findings, Facts and Conditions of Approval.

6.                  PUBLIC HEARING:   Request from the Sheriff's Department to approve increasing the administration fee to $75; daily participation fee to $7; and rescheduling fee to $50 for offenders enrolled in the Sheriff's Work Alternative Program (SWAP).

(Consent Calendar)

CONSENT CALENDAR (Number 7 through 70)




Background information has been provided to the board on all matters listed under the Consent Agenda, and these items are considered to be routine by the Board.  All items under the Consent Agenda are normally approved by one motion.  If discussion is requested by any Board members on any item, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda if separate action is required.





7.                  Approve an agreement with the Delta Vector Control District to collect and distribute special taxes/assessments on the Secured Property Tax Roll.

Board of Supervisors

8.                  Appoint Jason Britt as the Health & Human Services Director/Designee to the In-Home Supportive Services Advisory Committee.

9.                  Appoint the following individuals to the Agricultural Advisory Committee:  Edward Needham as Farm Bureau Representative for a term ending June 30, 2010; and Irene Santos as Cities Representative for a term ending June 30, 2014.

10.             Appoint Robin Chism as Consumer-Seat 2 and Tracy Harrell as Consumer-Seat 1 to the In-Home Supportive Services Advisory Committee for terms ending June 30, 2013.

11.             Appoint Melvin (Skip) Barwick to the Assessment Appeals Board as District 2 Representative for a term ending September 2, 2013.

12.             Appoint Laura Cortes to the Community Health Center Board as District 1-Consumer for a term ending April 18, 2011.

13.             Ratify Proclamation Honoring Alta Vista School on its 100th Anniversary.

Child Support Services

14.             Approve an agreement with the California Department of Child Support Services to continue the use of an extra help Attorney in an amount not to exceed $27,521, effective July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.

County Counsel/Risk Management

15.             Approve renewal of the Excess Workers' Compensation Insurance through CSAC-EIA (California State Association of Counties Excess Insurance Authority).

16.             Approve renewal of the General Liability I and II insurance programs.

County Administrative Office/Capital Projects

17.             Approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the Tulare County Superior Court to allow Tulare County to provide a variety of services for 2010/2011.

18.             Accept the Porterville District Office Remodel Project as a completed project.  Authorize the Chairman to sign the Notice of Completion for the subject project.  Direct the Clerk of the Board to record the Notice of Completion for the subject project with the office of the Tulare County Recorder.

19.             Approve the Staff Services Agreement with Tulare County Association of Governments (TCAG).  Authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement, subject to approval as to form by County Counsel.

20.             Ratify and approve a "Yes" vote on the petitions for each of four county-owned parcels indicating support for the proposed assessments for a Downtown Visalia Property and Business Improvement District as signed by the Chairman, retroactive to March 23, 2010.  Find that the Board had authority to support the proposed assessment district as of March 23, 2010, and that it was in the County's best interest to sign the petitions on that date.  Approve a "Yes" vote on the ballot indicating support for including four county-owned parcels with a total annual assessment of $8,588 in a Downtown Visalia Property and Business Improvement District for a ten year period commencing January 1, 2011.  Authorize the Chairman to sign the ballot for a "Yes" vote on behalf of the County.

21.             Approve the addition of 1 Regional Planner position to the Tulare County Association of Governments (TCAG).  Approve move/reclassification of incumbent Planner II in RMA-LAFCO Division to Regional Planner for TCAG.  Approve the addition of 1 LAFCO Executive Officer position to TCAG and approve the classification, job specification and compensation.  Authorize the County Administrative Officer, Human Resources Director and Auditor-Controller to make minor adjustments as needed.  Approve the Personnel Resolution with additions, effective July 4, 2010.


District Attorney

22.             Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 24077 with the State of California, Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board for the Restitution and Recovery Program to include the amount of $85,000 for the period of July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.

Fire Department

23.             Approve the Personnel Resolution to increase the position allocation of the Fire Department by one (1) Battalion Chief, effective July 1, 2010.

24.             Approve an agreement with the Ivanhoe Volunteer Fire Fighters Association to receive donated used fire protection equipment.

Health & Human Services Agency

25.             Reaffirm declaration of state of emergency in the Tulare County Drought Resolution No. 2008-0472 adopted June 24, 2008.

26.             Approve the letter of support for the $8.4 million increase to $11 million allocated for the County Veterans Service Offices.

27.             Re-appoint the following individuals to the Tulare County Child Care Development and Planning Council in the noted Categories for two year terms ending June 30, 2012: Karen Ball, Public Agency; Sherri Glenn, Community; Christina Jones, Discretionary; Rosemary Caso, Discretionary; and Kristina Delgadillo, Child Care Provider. Appoint the following individual to the Tulare County Child Care Development and Planning Council to the list category for a two year term ending June 30, 2012; Karen Hansen, Public Agency. Re-appoint and Re-assign the following individual from her current category of Child Care Provider to the listed category for a two year term ending June 30, 2012; Victoria Wright, Community. Direct the Clerk of the Board to recruit for the listed vacancies per the provisions of the Maddy Act.

28.             Approve the named facilities as facilities designated by the County and approved by the State Department of Mental Health for 72-hour treatment and evaluation.  Approve the named classes of persons or persons named who may, upon probable cause, take, or cause to be taken, mentally disordered persons described in California Welfare & Institutions Code Section 5150 into custody and place them into a facility described in paragraph 1, for 72-hour treatment and evaluation.  Approve the designations under this Resolution effective through June 30, 2011.  All previous designations are hereby revoked; and Direct the Clerk of this Board to send certified copies of this Resolution to the Director of each Authorized Facility, the Director of Turning Point of Central California, and the Director of Tulare Youth Services Bureau.

29.             Approve an advance payment on Agreement No. 23972 to Community Services and Employment Training, (CSET) Inc. in the amount of $156,000. Authorize the Tulare County Auditor to advance payment in the amount of $156,000 to Community Services and Employment Training, Inc.

30.             Approve a Memorandum of Understanding with the Tulare County Office of Education to receive funds in the amount of $177,578 for the continued provision of mental health services to Special Education Pupils (SEP) pursuant to the requirements of Assembly Bill 3632 from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011.

31.             Ratify and approve an agreement with Victor Treatment Centers, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $140,000 for the provision of Intensive Day Treatment services (Full Day) to Tulare County minors, retroactive to May 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. Find that the Board had authority to enter into the proposed agreement as of May 1, 2010 and that it was in the County's best interest to enter into the agreement on that date.

32.             Ratify and approve an amendment to the HIV/AIDS Master Agreement No. 23265 with the California Department of Public Health, Office of AIDS, to decrease Year 3 of the original STD 213 by $133,864 from $1,085,324 to $951,460 for the provision of HIV/AIDS related programs and services, retroactive to July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010. Find that the Board had authority to enter into the proposed agreement on July 1, 2009 and that it was in the Board's best interest to enter into the agreement on that date. Approve the necessary budget adjustments. (4/5ths vote required)

33.             Ratify and approve an amendment to Agreement No. 24103 with the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), Immunization Branch for the Tulare County Health & Human Services Agency to provide for an immunization program in Tulare County, retroactive to July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010. Find that the Board had authority to enter into the proposed agreement as of July 1, 2009 and that it was in the County's best interest to enter into the agreement on that date.

34.             Approve an agreement with Twenty-First Century Communications, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $333,240 to provide a three-year service agreement for the Universal Communications Emergency Notification System, for the period July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2013.

35.             Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 20039 with Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc. to update the prices listed in Exhibit B to provide transportation and disposal of household hazardous waste, effective July 1, 2010.

36.             Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 21707 with Turning Point of Central California, Inc., to extend the term of the agreement to June 30, 2011 for the provision of children's mental health services.

37.             Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 21964 with the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependency (NCADD) in an amount not to exceed $450,000 to extend the term of the agreement to June 30, 2013 for the provision of alcohol and drug prevention services.

38.             Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 22797 with Turning Point of Central California, Inc. for the One-Stop Center - North County Program in an amount not to exceed $725,066 to extend the term of the agreement to June 30, 2011, for the provision of Mental Health Services Act services.

39.             Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 22798 with Kings View Corporation for The One Stop - South County Program to extend the term of the agreement to June 30, 2011 to provide Mental Health Services Act services, in an amount not to exceed $624,343.

40.             Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 22800 with Turning Point of Central California, Inc. for the Mobile Unit - North County Program in an amount not to exceed $723,022 to extend the term of the agreement to June 30, 2011, for the provision of Mental Health Services Act services.

41.             Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 22801 with EMQ Families First, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $451,000 to extend the term of the agreement to June 30, 2011 for the provision of Mental Health Services Act services.

42.             Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 23658 with Tulare Children's Medical Clinic PC to update Exhibit B by reducing the compensation by $10.00 per patient visit from $106.00 to $96.00 and by changing the time frame that the County will compensate the Contractor from twenty (20) days to thirty (30) days of the close of each month, effective July 1, 2010.

43.             Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 24089 with Fresno County Economic Opportunities Commission in an amount not to exceed $300,000 to extend the term of the agreement to June 30, 2011 for the provision of providing meals for the congregate and home delivered nutrition program for seniors.

44.             Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 24240 with Tulare County Office of Education to decrease the maximum amount of the agreement by $191,481 from $1,159,155 to $967,674 for the provision of mental health services under the Mental Health Services Act Prevention and Early Intervention Program, effective July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.

45.             Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 24274 with Turning Point of Central California, Inc. for the One-Stop Center - Central County Program in an amount not to exceed $501,036 to extend the term of the agreement to June 30, 2011, for the provision of Mental Health Services Act services.

46.             Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 24275 with Kings View Corporation for the Mobile Unit - South County Program in an amount not to exceed $839,232 to extend the term of the agreement to June 30, 2011 for the provision of Mental Health Services Act Services.

47.             Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 24287 with Tulare Youth Service Bureau, Inc. to decrease the maximum amount of the agreement by $43,981 from $250,000 to $206,019 for the provision of mental health services under the Mental Health Services Act Prevention and Early Intervention Program, effective July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.

48.             Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 24288 with Family Services of Tulare County to decrease the maximum amount of the agreement by $105,164 from $600,000 to $494,836 for the provision of mental health services under the Mental Health Services Act Prevention and Early Intervention Program, effective July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.


49.             Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 24289 with Kings View Corporation to decrease the maximum amount of the agreement by $75,767 from $400,000 to $324,233 for the provision of mental health services under the Mental Health Services Act Prevention and Early Intervention Program, effective July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.

50.             Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 24435 with United Way of Tulare County, Inc. in the amount of $200,439 to extend the term of the agreement to June 30, 2011 to continue providing a referral system under the Mental Health Services Act Prevention and Early Intervention Program.

51.             Ratify and approve an agreement with the University of California, San Francisco to receive an amount not to exceed $25,000 for the California Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity Program (CNPAO/Connector Team), retroactive to May 25, 2010 through June 30, 2010. Find that the Board had authority to enter into the proposed agreement as of May 25, 2010 and that it was in the County's best interest to enter into the agreement on that date. Approve the necessary budget adjustments.  (4/5ths vote required)

General Services/Property Management

52.             Approve agreement for Purchase of Real Property/Right of Way and temporary Construction Easement from William C. Hahesy, Jr. and Cynthia Hahesy-Navarrete for the Road 108 Widening Project in the amount of $10,000.  Authorize County Counsel to sign the Grant Deed and Temporary Construction Easement acceptances upon presentation.  Authorize the Resource Management Agency Director or designee to open an escrow, sign all documents to facilitate the escrow for this acquisition.  Direct the Auditor to draw a warrant in the amount of $11,500 in favor of Stewart Title Company.



53.             Approve a Lease Agreement with David G. Hyde and others for office space at 3340 W. Mineral King, Visalia to be used by the In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority, effective July 1, 2010



54.             Approve an agreement for purchase of property and improvements from Abdo Hezam Adlali for the Betty Drive/Avenue 312 Realignment and Improvement Project-Phase 2B in the amount of $800,000.  Authorize "spend to get" payment of up to $40,000 for residential relocation benefits.  Authorize payment of up to $80,000 for inventory payment upon submittal of an inventory audit.  Authorize the County Administrative Officer, or his designee, to open an escrow and sign all documents to facilitate the escrow for this acquisition.  Direct the Auditor to draw a warrant in the amount of $810,000 in favor of Chicago Title Company.



Information Technology

55.             Approve the annual renewal of license and maintenance with CompuCom, Inc. to provide use licenses and maintenance support for Novell Groupwise email and Novell Operating System in the amount of $343,542, effective July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.

Resource Management Agency

56.             Approve and award a contract to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Glen Wells Construction Co. Inc. of Visalia, California, in the amount of $2,893,028.68, for construction of the Asphalt Concrete Overlay on Avenue 384 from State Route 99 to Road 80 Construction Project.  Authorize the Chairman to sign the contract after review and approval as to form by County Counsel and upon receipt of certificates of insurance, bonds and evidence that the contractor possesses a valid State Contractors License.  Allow funds for a contingency in the amount of $289,303 (10%) to cover unexpected construction conditions.

57.             Approve the 2010/2011 Transit Agreement with Orange Belt Stages to provide public transit on its common carrier services in Tulare County.

58.             Approve a Transit Agreement with the Kings/Tulare Area Agency on Aging to provide transit service to County residents, from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.

59.             Approve the move of 13 positions from the RMA-Design Division to the RMA-Roads Division.  Approve the move of 3 positions from the RMA-Surveyor Division to RMA-Roads Division.  Approve the move of 1 position from the RMA-Roads Division to the RMA Transit Division.  Approve the deletion of 1 Planner II position from the RMA-LAFCO Division.  Approve the moves effective July 4, 2010, per the Personnel Resolution.



60.             Amend Resolution No. RA 97-05 to appoint the County Administrative Officer as the Executive Director of the Tulare County Redevelopment Agency.

61.             Approve an increase of $154,700 to the Richgrove Capital Project Budget for  Fiscal Year 2009/2010 relating to Richgrove Street Improvements.  Approve the necessary budget adjustments.  (4/5ths vote required)

62.             Authorize the Tulare County Redevelopment Agency to submit an application for a 2010 Highway-Railroad Crossing Safety Account grant for Phase 2B of the Betty Drive Realignment and Improvement Project.  Authorize and direct the Executive Director to act on the Agency's behalf in all matters pertaining to this application.  Authorize and direct the Chairman of the Board of Directors to enter into and sign the grant agreement, and any subsequent amendments thereto, with the State of California for the purpose of this grant, subject to County Counsel approval as to form.




63.             Approve the submittal of a grant application to the California Emergency Management Agency (CalEMA) for the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program in the amount of $179,087 for the period of October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2011.  Approve the Grant Award Face Agreement and Certification of Assurance of Compliance.

64.             Authorize the submittal of an online application for a Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant for Fiscal Year 2010 from the U.S. Department of Justice to allow local government to support a broad range of activities to prevent and control crime based on their own local needs and conditions, retroactive to October 1, 2009 through September 30, 2013.  Approve the Interlocal Agreement with City of Visalia for the Justice Assistance Grant Program for Fiscal Year 2010.

65.             Ratify and approve the submission of a grant application to the California Emergency Management Agency for a grant in the amount of $550,000 under the Marijuana Suppression II Program for a joint Tulare County - Fresno County Marijuana Eradication Team from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.  Ratify and approve the Chairman's signature on the Grant Award Facesheet Agreement and the Certification of Assurance of Compliance/Anti-Drug Abuse/Methamphetamine Laboratory Operations form.  Find that the Board had authority to enter into the proposed agreement as of June 1, 2010, and that it was in the best interests of the County to submit the application on that date.

66.             Approve amendments to Agreement Nos. 22949, Alpaugh Unified School District; 22950, Earlimart Elementary School District; 22951, Pixley Union School District; and 22952, Tipton Elementary School District to extend for another year for a School Resource Officer to rotate among these districts.

67.             Approve an amendment to Agreement No. 23280 with the Visalia Unified School District to extend the services of a School Resource Officer at Charter Alternatives Academy, from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.

68.             Approve an agreement with Alternative Services, Inc. in the amount of $201,000 to provide alcohol and drug counseling services for the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program, from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.

Treasurer/Tax Collector

69.             Approve the Treasurer/Tax Collector's Statement of Investment Policy for Fiscal Year 2010/2011, pursuant to Government Code Section 53646.  Approve the authority to the Treasurer/Tax Collector to invest and reinvest funds of Tulare County and funds of other depositors in the County Treasury, pursuant to Government Code Section 27000.1.

Workforce Investment Board

70.             Appoint Jason Britt as Public Sector Representative to the Workforce Investment Board for a term ending May 31, 2012.

(Items Not Timed)




Items not specifically timed may be taken in any order


71.             Request from the Auditor-Controller/Treasurer-Tax Collector to approve the issuance of a line of credit with Union Bank of California for $55 million.

72.             Request from Resource Management Agency to allow the ministerial approval of Building Permits on Land subject to a Code Compliance Agreement or a Special Use Permit.

73.             Request from Resource Management Agency to approve the application PZI 09-003 (Shemanski/Thomas) to proceed with a Zone Change, on approximately 20.36 acres, from MR-217 (Mountain Residential - 217,000 square foot minimum lot area) to CO (Commercial Recreation) located on the north side of Goman Avenue (Avenue 114) approximately 400 feet west of Kennedy Meadows Road (MR - 132), in Kennedy Meadows.

74.             Request from Resource Management Agency to approve a General Plan Initiation GPI 09-004 to allow the applicant (Sierra Quail, Farms, Harlan Westbrook) to proceed with a General Plan Amendment on approximately 93.4 acres, located east of Enterprise Street, south of Tulare Avenue and north of State Route 137, to amend the Urban Development Boundary and change the land use designation from Agricultural to Residential and Commercial. Processed concurrently would be a Zone Change from AE-20 to R-1 and C-3.

75.             Request from Resource Management Agency to provide staff with policy direction regarding cost recovery on the establishment of land conservation easements administered by non-profit organizations.

76.             Request from Resource Management Agency to present a status update, review and discussion regarding the proposed 2010 Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan for the Porterville Redevelopment Agency Project Area No. 1.  Authorize the County Administrative Officer or staff to take appropriate action as directed by your Board.

77.             Request from Resource Management Agency to present a status update, review and discussion regarding the City of Tulare Redevelopment Agency's request for subordination of County Tax Increment Revenues to 2010 Tulare Redevelopment Agency Tax Allocation Bonds.  Authorize the County Administrative Officer or staff to take appropriate action as directed by your Board.

(Closed Session)




As provided in the Ralph M. Brown Act, Government Code sections 54950 et seq., the Board of Supervisors may meet in closed session with members of its staff, county employees and its attorneys. These sessions are not open to the public and may not be attended by members of the public.  The matters the Board will meet on in closed session are identified below or are those matters appropriately identified in open session as requiring immediate attention and arising after the posting of the agenda.  Any public reports of action taken in the closed session will be made in accordance with Government Code sections 54957.1





It is the intention of the Board to meet in closed session concerning:


Sitting as the Tulare County Board of Supervisors




Significant Exposure to Litigation (Government Code Section 54956.9 (b)(1).)

Number of Potential Cases:  2

Appeal of Planning Commission Resolution No. 8495 Denying Tentative tract No. TM 805. The Appeal is filed by Attorney Joseph Boyd on behalf of the applicant, Robert Redfield. The subject site is located on the west side of Road 220 approximately ¼ mile north of Avenue 360 north of Woodlake. See Board of Supervisors Agenda Item June 29, 2010

Next Item(s) Sitting as...




(Government Code Section 54956.9 (a).)

Name of Case:  Wiley, Julie Ann v. Bushnell, Jeff, As An Individual, Department of Fair Employment and Housing Complaint Number: E200910-C-0771-01s

Next Item(s) Sitting as...




(Government Code Section 54956.9 (a).)

Name of Case:  Wiley, Julie Ann v. Mendoza, Ted, As An Individual, Department of Fair Employment and Housing Complaint Number: E200910-C-0771-02s

Next Item(s) Sitting as...




Significant Exposure to Litigation (Government Code Section 54956.9 (b)(1).)

Number of Potential Cases:  4

Threats of litigation in the public record regarding the proposed Tulare County General Plan 2030 Update and Draft Environment Impact Report



(s) Sitting as...




Significant Exposure to Litigation (Government Code Section 54956.9 (b)(1).)

Number of Potential Cases:  1

Next Item(s) Sitting as...




(Government Code Section 54956.9(c).)

Number of Potential Cases: 1

Next Item(s) Sitting as...




(Government Code Section 54957.6)

Agency Designated Representative: Tim Huntley and Jean M. Rousseau

Employee Organization: All Certified Employee Organizations

Unrepresented Employees: All Unrepresented Employees except Elected

Next Item(s) Sitting as...

Sitting as the Tulare County IHSS Public Authority Board




(Government Code Section 54957.6)

Agency Designated Representative:  Tim Huntley, Jean M. Rousseau

Labor Organization:  California United Homecare Workers Union

Next Item(s) Sitting as...